NC connected instead of NO in demux circuit

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NC connected instead of NO in demux circuit

Post by yndyy »


My team already connect the boost safety connection correctly according to the instruction (the LED on the demux circuit lights up when printing) but we encountered a problem that the ink was not extruded. The ink would only be extruded when we disconnect the boost safety connection. Is there any way for us to rectify this situation/problem? We used G5V-1-DC5 (Form C SPDT) like what you did that were included the DIY version of demux but we’re not sure how to set the NC connector of the relay to the NO part. Should we use another type of relay or is there anyway for us to change the connection of the circuit to rectify this?

Thank you for your help.
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Re: NC connected instead of NO in demux circuit

Post by dragonator »

I cannot judge what relay you are using right now. Simply connecting the relay with wires to the board and swapping NO and NC should fix the issue you are having. Now that you are approved you should be able to add image (or within 3 posts, I forgot what the forum was set to)
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Re: NC connected instead of NO in demux circuit

Post by yndyy »

This is my demux. I'm not really sure how to swap NO and NC. The circle part is G5V-1-DC5 (Form C SPDT) and it is soldered to the board. Is there any way that we could change the connection?

Thank you again for your help.
photo_2022-06-24_16-28-23.jpg (158.82 KiB) Viewed 20893 times
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Re: NC connected instead of NO in demux circuit

Post by dragonator »

The circuit board you are using is a fairly old design, so I do not know everything about it anymore. The board is in your photo not connected to the 12V and safety correct?

I will assume that everything else is working on the board you are using, and that for some reason the input is inverted. We can try and fix it in firmware. In the printing tab, look for

Code: Select all

. Here, everywhere where you see high, make it low and vice versa. This is the part of the code that switches the relay high before printing, and low after. There should be 1 high, and 2 lows which need to be changed.

The other solution i can offer is solder the relay with the NC and NO swapped. You can solder wires to the legs of the relay, and connect this to the pads where the relay is mounted with the correct connections. In the attached pinout, 2, 5, 6 and 9 can stay where they are. 1 and 10 need to be swapped. These are the NO and NC pin.
relay schematic.PNG
relay schematic.PNG (54.42 KiB) Viewed 20882 times
Firmware is the simplest to verify since it does not require any changes, but I leave what you try up to you. As long as you do not do them both at the same time. This would leave you where you already are.
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