GlaDOS lamp

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Re: GlaDOS lamp

Post by TheMatrix »


I have printed the parts. But i wonder if you have the source files to control glados?

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Re: GlaDOS lamp

Post by dragonator »

The easiest files I have are the STEP files, available here:

Upon request I can send the Solidworks files, but they are 2012, and made in a student version, so not actually that great to use.
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Re: GlaDOS lamp

Post by _McFish_ »

This project has been on my bucket list for a few years. I printed the parts a while ago but finally got around to painting and assembling. Now I'm just waiting for my Raspberry Pi Pico to come in to control it...

also yeah the paint is subpar its a work in progress lol
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Re: GlaDOS lamp

Post by dragonator »

Looking great. It is one of the more complex prints on this site, so I'd say kudos for already getting this far. Cannot wait to see it move.
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Re: GlaDOS lamp

Post by Kisko »

Hi, Whats the end size of the entire thing?
Last edited by Kisko on Mon Jan 09, 2023 12:54 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: GlaDOS lamp

Post by Magnus »

From the models it looks like it's about 400mm in height 300mm in width, at the widest point of the base.
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