Hacking the HP45

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Re: Hacking the HP45

Post by dragonator »

I have included 2 images. The V3.02 controller (the firmware of the Teensy 3.2 based controller) and the V4.02 controller (the firmware of the Teensy 3.5 based controller). The addresses run top to bottom on both. The pin mapping of this primitives should be possible to change just by changing the pins on the microcontroller, but the address mapping needs to be fixed in the table. As you can see in the images, the mapping of the addresses is completely wrong.
HP45 V4.02 controller.png
HP45 V4.02 controller.png (71.25 KiB) Viewed 336 times
HP45 V3.02 controller.png
HP45 V3.02 controller.png (50.64 KiB) Viewed 336 times
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