Making a Pip Boy 3000

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Making a Pip Boy 3000

Post by kombatbunni »

Hello! I just want to say how fantastic your designs are! I am currently printing a Pip Boy 3000 for someone and I would love to make a donation once it's done. She's a fellow cosplayer and wasn't able to find a ready made one in time so I'm helping her out and making one for her! I make costumes for a living so this is a real challenge for me! First time owning a 3d printer too and I'm loving it :) Any tips you can give? I'd love to hear from you :)
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Re: Making a Pip Boy 3000

Post by dragonator »

I don't know about any general tips I could give. If you do run into trouble do feel free to ask. What kind of printer are you using?
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