Gone fishing

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Gone fishing

Post by dragonator »

From now to the next 3 weeks I will be on Vacation and less available. I am going to be in eastern Germany. While I will maintain the website while I am gone (it is 2018 after all) I will be here less than usual. This means that new posts might be in moderation limbo for a few days more. Early August I will be back and hope to start finishing what I have been working on for a year now.

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Re: Gone fishing

Post by dragonator »

Back from fishing. Vacation was great, and I feel re-energized. I will need a few days to catch up, but I am going to start finishing projects.
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Re: Gone fishing

Post by dragonator »

Gone again, this time I will be at CCC in Germany, will be back in a week and a half.
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