Suggestion for Accurate Version of Pip-Boy + Questions

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Suggestion for Accurate Version of Pip-Boy + Questions

Post by radboy »

Hi Yvo, I've been checking out your work for some months now (very impressed, you're great at 3D modeling). I was just posting to inform you that the Art of Fallout is coming soon and it has some 3D renders of the Pip Boy that you can maybe use as a reference for the accurate version.


Also I was wondering how you were going about doing the accurate version. Are you getting the Fallout 4 Pip Boy Edition to scan and analyze, or do you plan on using the in game models? Again, nice work. I can't wait to see the final product.
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Re: Suggestion for Accurate Version of Pip-Boy + Questions

Post by dragonator »

Hello, Hello and welcome.

Thanks for showing me this image. While I am a massive fan of Fallout, I am not a rabid fan, so I don't keep track of it as much as I should. It was actually today that I finally remembered the release date again. Only 2 weeks from now. (Yes, I forgot).

I admit that I have been a bit preoccupied and have not worked on the accurate version of the Pip-Boy. It is not for some tactical reason, other things got in the way. This colored image seems to be what I call second degree reference. Reference based on reference (or maybe not even that). It is not really like the Mk IV. The gray images could be first degree (just like the game model) though I will have to verify once I get the game. At this point I think I cannot exceed expectation with the accurate version, but I will give it the good ol' college try.

I hope to be working on it by the end of November or early December. Obviously I have to forget what the sun looks like starting November 10.
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Re: Suggestion for Accurate Version of Pip-Boy + Questions

Post by radboy »

Alright, sounds great. Keep up the good work.
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