3rd person camera

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3rd person camera

Post by dragonator »

Again not a prop, I really should rename this section.

What I have for show and tell today is something fun, though a bit useless. It is a 3rd person camera. It is a way to see yourself in the 3rd person (someone standing 2m behind you). It consists of an FPV camera mounted on a stick on a backpack, a set of fatshark attitude video goggles and so others can also see with you, a 900mHz video transmitter and receiver with an as cheap as they get beamer.

It is a lot of fun wearing these. Fatsharks are not full virtual reality glasses but they still give the idea that the camera is you and you are just looking at someone else. It is hilarious to see others walking with these too because everyone walks the same way. Looking around, doing a few careful steps and then looking around again. I still want to ride a bicycle with the 3rd person camera on. If at some point I stop posting, I tried and had an accident.

I made it a while ago for some events with the hackerspace from stuff I had in stock (I used to fly model airplanes and FPV). At that point the 3rd person camera didn't work well enough to be used. after that I refined it some more. It is now in full working order for a small event I was invited to.
3rd person camera 1.jpg
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