Hacking the HP45

Powder and inkjet printing
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Re: Hacking the HP45

Post by SAVAN »

Hello everyone,
I am initiating to build OASIS, but being a mechanical guy I have certain confusion. 1) Is there any way to work with teensy 4.0 or 4.1, if anyone has tried then please share your feedback. 2) HP45 V3 is good to go with or V4? when considering teensy 4.0 or 4.1.
Your guidance and detailed suggestions for the above query will be very helpful.
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Re: Hacking the HP45

Post by Catniped »

youd need to rewrite the firmware to make it work with 4.0/4.1
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Re: Hacking the HP45

Post by SAVAN »

Thank you for the guidance. Can you elaborate about the required changes in firmware, if u have done it? , And there is no major modification required on the hardware side?
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Re: Hacking the HP45

Post by Catniped »

i havent done it, youd have to do it yourself. about the hardware i have no idea, maybe dragonator can elaborate more.
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Re: Hacking the HP45

Post by dragonator »

Short answer: It is difficult without new electronics and rewriting the code.

Longer answer:
The V3 that is shared on hackaday in Oasis is the easiest to convert to a new microcontroller. This version did not use DMA and all sorts of fancy tricks to get the speed up. It does have some hardcoded elements like a special delay for inkjet, but it does not use any specific hardware of a microcontroller and simply bitbangs the inkjet controller. However the V3 controller is designed around a smaller Teensy 3.2, with all the back pins used as well. This was a challenge to make, but for us this also means that the Teensy 4.0 does not have enough pins to control it.

The V4 uses only the pins that are breadboard compatible, so a Teensy 4.1 would be a good fit here. However, the V4 controller uses DMA to significantly speed up the printing speed (from around 50mm/s to around 120mm/s). The Teensy 4.1 handles DMA completely different, so this bit of the code will need to be rewritten or just replaced.

The "easiest" thing is to place a Teensy 4.1 in a V4 controller, and then rewrite the code of the Oasis V3 controller to work. This will give a slow version of the controller that should print. V4 also had a ton of self checks that either need to be rewritten, or removed (they never worked that well).

Both versions use microcontrollers that are 5V tolerant, so no protections against 5V were put in place. Teensy 4.0 and 4.1 are not 5V tolerant and will need these protections.

I stopped working on the inkjet stuff myself, so while I do answer questions as best I can, I do not intend to pick up this project in the future.
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Re: Hacking the HP45

Post by SAVAN »

Thanks Dragonator for your valuable suggestions, It's very fascinating project and i feel I should give it try with V4 & teensy 4.1 and will update the status soon.
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Re: Hacking the HP45

Post by SAVAN »

Hello everyone, I am looking to order a PCB for the HP45 V4, but most manufacturers require a Gerber file. Can anyone provide the Gerber file for the HP45 V4, or is there anyone selling the assembled PCB?
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Re: Hacking the HP45

Post by Catniped »

the pcb files are on the github page of the controller: https://github.com/yvodehaas/HP45-stand ... ller-V4.02
you can generate gerbers with kicad
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Re: Hacking the HP45

Post by Vasily »

I read all 76 pages with great interest.
A lot of work has been done. Thanks for all the information posted.
Is it possible to also share the C8855 manual with me?
Please send this to my email.
Thank you.
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Re: Hacking the HP45

Post by Vasily »

UKrieger wrote: Wed Aug 02, 2023 3:50 pm Thanks dragonator for sending the C8855 manual!

I intend trying out controlling the C8855 driver board using a Raspberry Pi. But before I start: Has anybody tried out this before and is willing to share her/his experiences?
dragonator wrote: Fri Jul 28, 2023 7:18 pm The best I can do is a manual for the C8855 driver, which I can send by mail. It has no software, and I don't think a wiring diagram of the C8855 itself, but it does explain how to roughly use the C8855.
Thanks to dragonator for sharing the c8855m OEM Print Cartridge Driver documentation.
I would like to hear from other participants who have previously requested documentation. Has anyone made any progress in their research? Did you manage to get the job done on the 1825-0057 STM chip? If there are any developments that someone can share on the c8855m or 1825-0057 STM chip?
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