Pause Function

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Pause Function

Post by Bgruner »

Was any work done to develop a pause function? I saw you wanted to add it in but I didn't see if you had any documentation on it. I would like to figure it out for my research and I was wondering how copying code from another firmware with a pause function would work.
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Re: Pause Function

Post by dragonator »

The firmware of plan B is not in particular based on any previous firmware. Therefore, there is not something that can be easily added to add a pause function to the firmware.

When writing the firmware, I tried to add a pause function. It would perfectly pause a print, but resuming it was impossible (making it a stop function, not a pause function). I never really worked on the firmware much after the original Plan B firmware.

At this point I think it is easier to add dwell (G4) to the firmware then it is to add a proper pause function, but the exact details I would need to figure out myself too.
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