Standalone controller V4.0

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Re: Standalone controller V4.0

Post by dragonator »

Thanks for the feedback.

I have changed the resistor values. It was a copying error which I did not catch. The photo's I will add in the coming days when I have time. I can see how an image of the whole board without Teensy would be helpful.
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Re: Standalone controller V4.0

Post by rofl »

Yvo, Thanks.

I would appreciate image as soon as possible as now am half way there :) I am keen on testing the board. But all is fine.

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Re: Standalone controller V4.0

Post by dragonator »

Let me then share this image right now. Let me know if this helps and if you need more details.
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Re: Standalone controller V4.0

Post by rofl »

Thanks, Yvo.

It seems I soldered it right. Without Teensy it drains 22mA, so seems OK. I will upload firmware to Teensy tomorrow and test how it works. All parts are already 3D printed so I will make full assembly this week. For full tests I will use spare raspberry pi 3, so that will be a chance to write brief instructions, how to make software running on PI.


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Re: Standalone controller V4.0

Post by rofl »

It is finished, status LED is working, no errors, no warnings. I will prepare spare RPI now and test how it works on the table.

Still, I will try my initial prints with the old driver as that one is fully tested on my side and later on, I will replace old one if all goes OK on the table with the new one.

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Re: Standalone controller V4.0

Post by rofl »

Dear, Yvo.

I was wondering, perhaps you know the reason.

With controller 3.02 (that was the latest version?), I noticed that I get current HP45 temperature -0.2C all the time (in Oasis controller). However head works fine, prints well, all nozzles pass the test and it seems to be working fine, but temp is displayed weird. I plugged another HP45 I have and it shows correct temperature value. Do you have any ideas about this?
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Re: Standalone controller V4.0

Post by dragonator »

I do not know precisely what it is, but I do know what circuit is causing it and what might be the issue.

HP45 has 2 internal resistors. TSR and 10X. Both V4 an V3 use the same 330 ohm resistor feeding the 2 pins on the HP45 to make a voltage divider. On the V3.02 it should be R11 and R12. The controller makes a measurement of both and then calculates the rough temperature from that. -0.2 is actually the error code -2 being returned, which is that one of the measured values is out of bounds. Either one of the resistors, HP45 pins or either one of the ADC pins might be disconnected.

The good news is that it is not damaging. The controller will not stop printing because of errors like this. If you can find the cause (most likely a loose resistor) it can be fixed, but you can safely print with it.
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Re: Standalone controller V4.0

Post by rofl »

But could it really be resistor from driver, when another HP45 shows correct temperature? I assume that with PCB itself it should be OK, shouldn't it? With all other heads that reading is fine. But it is really weird that this number for some reason is missing and it is still working... Because driver itself can recognize it with another head, but this one, current one fails although it works fine... :) I also think that pogo pins should also be fine as it works with other heads, so the only thing I can think of is something wrong with HP45 itself...
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Re: Standalone controller V4.0

Post by dragonator »

I read your previous post wrong. I though you stuck the same printhead into another controller, not another head in the same controller. If changing the HP45 gives a good reading the printhead itself would indeed be more likely to be the problem. It is good to know that there are printheads in circulation that can give this issue.
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Re: Standalone controller V4.0

Post by myying »

dragonator wrote: Sat Feb 12, 2022 7:52 am I do not know precisely what it is, but I do know what circuit is causing it and what might be the issue.

HP45 has 2 internal resistors. TSR and 10X. Both V4 an V3 use the same 330 ohm resistor feeding the 2 pins on the HP45 to make a voltage divider. On the V3.02 it should be R11 and R12. The controller makes a measurement of both and then calculates the rough temperature from that. -0.2 is actually the error code -2 being returned, which is that one of the measured values is out of bounds. Either one of the resistors, HP45 pins or either one of the ADC pins might be disconnected.

The good news is that it is not damaging. The controller will not stop printing because of errors like this. If you can find the cause (most likely a loose resistor) it can be fixed, but you can safely print with it.
Do you try to input a constant current to TSR and R10X? ( output voltage= constant current x Resistor(Temperature) )
How many count are there the measurement of AD converter? It should delete unresonable value.
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