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GNUOCtave Script GCode->PlanB

Posted: Mon Jan 18, 2021 4:25 pm
by crisiM
I used 3d Slicer for slicing a random *.stl file into a stack of *.tiff images. I used GNUOctave for writing a little script (about 30 rows) for creating the PlanB GCode. But now i need a workaround for using just one feedpiston. I do not want to edit the PlanB Firmware. Does anybody have a simple solution? I tried to add a dummy layer, but i did not work.

Re: GNUOCtave Script GCode->PlanB

Posted: Mon Jan 18, 2021 6:26 pm
by dragonator
The double feed piston is pretty much hardcoded into Plan B. It is not individual lines of Gcode moving each piston. If I recall correctly the printer adds a layer when it detects a Z change in the positive direction.

In the firmware the movement of the pistons is handles in movements, in the function New_layer. Here the variable "Spreader_position" manages behaviour. There are several while loops with "New_layer_ident". These handle the movement of all stepper motors directly. If you make it so that it resets the position of the spreader to your starting position (by adding a while block moving the spreader back) you can keep Spreader_position constant and it will do the same on every layer.

I am sorry I have no better solution, and I hope this helps. I am still not really a programmer I am afraid and back then I was even less so.