I am curious about HP11 head hacking information for light curing ink development

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I am curious about HP11 head hacking information for light curing ink development

Post by TAMIAS »

hello everyone.

First of all, our group is conducting research by remodeling the Projet360 model of 3D SYSTEMS.

Our group is developing ink using both commercial printers (Projet160, 360, 660) and production printers.

The picture below is a picture of the light curing 3D Printer using the HP11 head and controller produced by our group & photo of the HP11 head via LASER microscope.

For this reason, we are developing ink suitable for HP11 inkjet head used in Projet360.

However, I realized that there are many cases where printing tests cannot be performed due to changes in physical properties (specific heat, viscosity) that occur during the ink development process, and that the range of ink composition development is too limited (water-based -> oil-based).

The most curious thing
Clearly grasp the pinmap information of the HP11 head and
I want to implement the below 2 functions.

1. Identify and monitor head temperature sensor contacts
2. Check the power supply contact for heater inside the head and limit the output

All these features are necessary for the application of ink with low specific heat.
Ethanol-based ink, for example, boils easily compared to the head setting, causing an overheating warning.

Please let me know if there is any method or material to hack the HP11 head.
thank you.

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Re: I am curious about HP11 head hacking information for light curing ink development

Post by dragonator »


I myself do not know much about anything other than the HP45. I do know there has been some effort to hack the HP84/85, which seems to be similar to what you are using:


On this page there is suspected pinouts, logic analyzer files and more details. HP84 seems to be an HP45 with the driving electronics on the die of the TIJ circuit. I have had a small attempt at working on the HP84, but gave up due to limited time and setbacks. I hope this page can help you figure more out.

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