Standalone controller V4.0

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Re: Standalone controller V4.0

Post by Priyashree »

@Dragonator Printing quality is seems okay compare to previous oasis 3dp version. Any special requirement of spi protocol. I think it's reducing the pinouts but increase the source code complexity.
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Re: Standalone controller V4.0

Post by dragonator »

Printing quality is better than the last shown images. In the images the encoder was not calibrated. Printing quality is the same as with any other printer.

SPI is not yet implemented. I still do not have that much experience with SPI, so any protocol I would write would be written with no eye on actually using it. It should be fairly doable though. The source code will of course get bigger, but since you only print either SPI or serial, the actual code should not run much slower.
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Re: Standalone controller V4.0

Post by Priyashree »

@Dragonator Print quality of this version looking promising. I am very much interested in how it's working , i mean spi to parallel outputs.

When could we expects the firmware code release. Eager to learn about its mechanism
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Re: Standalone controller V4.0

Post by dragonator »

There is one nozzle wrong that I need to fix. Otherwise it seems good. I have just received the new PCB's that should work properly.

The controller does not use SPI to parallel out. I think I created confusion somewhere. It does not use SPI to drive the outputs (I did try). The controller at some point had the option to use SPI as an input. This way a faster device could control it. The V4 has no broken out SPI, so this is not going to be an option. For input the controller only has USB serial, actual serial and an I2C if you are desperate.

If the new version works I will share more information.
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Re: Standalone controller V4.0

Post by rofl »

@Dragonator, how are you doing with new head controller? Any updates? :)

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Re: Standalone controller V4.0

Post by dragonator »

No pictures, but I can give a short update in text.

The new controller (V4.01) works well and so far tests good. I had one issue in getting new data to the printhead while the printhead was actually printing, but this has been resolved. This also means that the controller can now print sweeps larger than fits in the buffer. I have yet to test if the send limit is higher or lower than the actual print speed limit. There are dozens of small improvements left, but none so bad that I cannot share the controller.

I have started on the project page and manual for the HP45 V4.0 controller on the main site. Once I have this done I will also put up excess boards for sale. I will share firmware, software and schematics with assembly guide, but will keep the board files close to me for now.
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Re: Standalone controller V4.0

Post by rofl »

Great, good news. I have already started testing materials and printing based on 3rd version controller, so when 4th is ready, it might be great timing for tests. I will also start some sharing, when I get something good from materials and process point of view :)
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Re: Standalone controller V4.0

Post by dragonator »

Good to hear progress from your side. I am curious to see what materials you will be testing and how well they might work. Any special materials you have good feelings about?
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Re: Standalone controller V4.0

Post by rofl »

Well, final goal is to print AISI 316 stainless steel. You might remember me, I dropped you an email many months ago with some issues regarding coordinate systems (i.e. negative vs positive etc.). I was not able to work the printer for a few months, but now I am back, I tested everything and it is ready for some actual printing. At least ink (built-in black) prints really really nicely... people at Makerspace are joking that I have "finally" invented 2D printer...

Also, one thing that I would like to share, or you already know.. You mentioned that it is really tricky to get the head going and to unclog all of the nozzles, i.e. damp cloth is needed etc. That is true and I also found that ultrasonic cleaner works really well - I just put the tip of the head to water for a few seconds until ink starts to flow. After that usually it runs smoothly. Also shaking the head with the hand producing minor centrifugal forces also helps (of course with paper towel covering the nozzles).

Right now I am trying with various plaster options, because these will help to understand the process. It is way cheaper to work with plaster and get knowledge than working with extremely expensive AISI 316 powder. I am also planning to create binder for metal particles as right now this is a complete black spot for me. I have purchased all plasters I was able to find locally and we will see how it goes. I am also thinking of trying various abundant construction materials in powder form. As they tend to have flow issues, I am thinking improving this with various flow-improving additives that I have on hand. It will be interested to see the effect. I have read entire Open3D blog and hope to incorporate some of the suggestions.

By the way, I also tried some of the non-original HP45 heads with driver V3. However, no luck with them. I have one that seems to use only one row of nozzles with current firmware. I am not sure if it would be OK with regular HP inkjet printer, but it might be faulty head or non-original ones simply have some sort of issues here. O also got second original HP45 and that one works fine as well. So it must be something wrong with that non-original one.

Anyway, I will share some things soon as I am getting into this. As I am very new to this printing method, my trials and experiments will also be quite simple :)
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Re: Standalone controller V4.0

Post by dragonator »

I was going to finish this first, but I suppose it is more useful if I keep it open.

I have been working on the pages for the V4 HP45 controller. Right now I have 2 pages:

This is the main page and the explanation of the command structure and all commands. Everything is work in progress, everything is subject to change. If you have an item you are missing or think is vague, let me know so I can look at it.
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