Reply To: Step 1, Hacking the CN642A inkjet printhead

Home Forums 3DP printing Step 1, Hacking the CN642A inkjet printhead Reply To: Step 1, Hacking the CN642A inkjet printhead


The measurement of the contacts will be useful, I myself didn’t have the guts to measure the contacts since the nozzles were designed to be on really briefly (<5us). I feared that putting my multimeter across it would ruin the heaters. I will see if I can decipher the data you got.

I finished the first version of the CN642A experimental carrier. It can be downloaded here:

It assembles with M3 screws (the longest being 30mm) and has very little support. I checked the contacts behind the holes, and everything seems to line up. I think it has plenty of room for improvement, but for the first experiments it will work. It also has 4 4mm holes on the back to attach the carrier to anything you want. If you want to have one 3D printed I can do that. If you think your printer is good enough for this part (It is <110mm wide) that is fine too. When you have your circuits I'd be really interested in getting one so I can test here too.

Some obligatory pictures:

  • This reply was modified 10 years, 5 months ago by dragonator.
  • This reply was modified 10 years, 5 months ago by dragonator.