I’m working on slicer software for my (still in mechanical progress) powder bed printer, and though I’d share my design ideas:
* Uses an OpenSCAD file as the input (a trivial .scad wrapper allows importing STL files, rescaling/placing multiple STLs, etc)
* Generates a piped stream of commands to a ‘print controller’ (host side)
** start – Start of print, home all mechanicals
** layer 0.10 – Do a powder layering/SLA Z movement operation for 0.10mm
** render filename.png – Print controller takes ‘filename.png’ and renders it to the current layer
** … continues the layer/render operations until complete
** pause – Stop printing
** resume – Resume printing
** unload – Execute powder/SLA item unload movements (printer no longer takes commands will a ‘start’)
The print controller then renders the PNG file into GCode, PlanB optimized GCode, or (for people like me then will be trying to re-use inkjet printer controller parts) directly ‘print’ it.
Interest? Suggestions? Major design flaws I’m missing?