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  • #2415

    I have fixed the forum. It is hard to say if and how broken it was, but I got one mail vaguely suggesting it being broken, and I had problems logging in to it with a test account.

    The forum was fixed, but please, if it is broken, say so through the contact me. I’s rather get one mail too many than one too little.


    Hmm, ok, I can log in again. Sorry for no communication at all. Logging in with the little math formula is a pain because my Safari plugins don’t log me in automatically. Later on, the entire process was broken.

    Status report on my side is “unchanged” unfortunately. I have the parts to make differential line communication for the printhead work, but no time to actually do it.

    I hope your 3D printer is working again and you will be taking up steam again.



    Hey Matthias,

    Good to finally see someone else after 2 months. I was beginning to suspect that it was still broken. I’ll consider removing the math thing, because I think it doesn’t stop anything.

    3D printer status report from my side is also unchanged. The concept for the next printer is done for months, but I actually have it planned for this winter. It will be easier for this one to use other printhead, and overal I hope that it will be cheap and good for testing new printheads and materials. Less axes (no more 6 stepper motors), and a bigger printhead carrier. And most importantly, a heated environment.

    Plan B experiments are completely done. Plan B is running on it’s last legs and I do not feel like overhauling it again. The new faster controller does work, but I don’t know if I will make a version for sale before the next printer. For now I am busy with more props.


    Hi Dragoator,

    Since we are located not that far from another, I can offer that you can use our Laser cutter (80W CO2, 600x900mm) and our pick-and-place machine if you ever decide to make more than a few electronics boards. I have some ideas for a usable and beautiful machine. I will cut some parts out when my current project, a film digitizer, is done:


    Hi Wonko,

    I removed the math thing, I like it already, but I had to get a different filter to stop the spam registration problem.

    I will keep the laser in mind for the next design. I would love to share ideas with you about the next printer, so when you are ready, either start a thread or mail me. I am sure that the both of us can come up with something great.

    Your digitizer looks great. I like the way it is constructed. How long would it take to get a decent duration of film digitized. It looks like a fairly slow process.


    Sounds great. Thanks.

    The digitizer takes about 1 second per frame, multiplying the run time of the film by 16 or 24 to digitize the film. I have 10 big rolls that average 40 minutes each, which would correspond to one week of scanning. When the firmware is done, it should be possible to “launch and leave”, not wasting my own time.


    1 second per frame is actually a lot faster than what I expected. Impressive.


    I had a huge problem with spam registering, and have fixed the problem. I did a crude cleanup of the registered accounts. I tried my best to only remove the spam registers, but I also deleted a few non-spam users. These have been converted to anonymous.

    Sorry for this. There is no real way to get you back, your posts are still here, only you’ll need to register again if you want to make another post.


    Ah, it seems that I was able to log in. Thanks for keeping the Blog running.


    I am considering adding a stand alone forum to this site. Thus far I am far from impressed by this one, and the longer I wait, more damage it will do. I cannot convert the old forum to any new one, but I can eventually copy the posts here to the new forum, for legacy purposes.

    I can’t tell when I will add the new one, but the traffic has died down a bit, so I might start preparations this weekend. I still need to do a local test to see how I have to get wordpress and something else, running alongside each other.


    First tests were a success, the new forum should come online this weekend if nothing else gets in the way.


    The new forum is kinda sorta running. I will make some (probably a lot) of tweaks, but for anyone loyal enough to actually come here, have a taste and give an opinion.


    I think you need to make sure the top-level of this site directs to, instead of


    I was aware that I hadn’t linked it yet, but I will do so tomorrow.

    I am actually happier that you posted something, it went for approval, and I still have to decide if I want this for new users.

    If there is still anything wrong, please tell me so, so I can still fix it.

    (an edit 30 minutes later, in a big why not moment, the new forum is linked properly and the user registration for this one is stopped). For the die hard Ytec3D community (heh) it is still possible to post, but I’d appreciate it if the conversion to the new forum could be made. Your first post may go for moderator approval, but I have already tried to fix that issue)

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 11 months ago by dragonator.
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