It is getting better, 16 people reading this. The last post was in May, only 7 months ago.
Oasis 3DP
The Hackaday prize is done, and so is Oasis. Did I win the contest? Nope, but Oasis is now printing, which is also really important to me. There are still plenty of thing left to do on Oasis. The firmware and software need more work, I need to study materials, I want to be able to sell printhead controllers when everything is more stable, and I do have lines open for better printheads. All things I can do in 2019. These updates will not happen within the first month of 2019, but I am working on it. Oasis for the foreseeable future will only receive small, incremental changes. I do hpe to write a more complete page on Oasis on Ytec in 2019 as well.
What else will I be doing in 2019? The first thing I want to do in 2019 is finish the Turret, mentioned in the previous blog post. This will take me a few months, so do expect a bit of radio silence on that, but I hope to be done before April. I also want to finish the robotic board game, also mentioned in the previous blog. It has less priority, and might not be finished before the end of 2019, but I do hope to finish it in 2019.
There are plenty of other, smaller projects I am currently working on. These range from domotics hardware (I have domoticated my house, and hope to do more with it), some small electronics projects like hexagonal matrix displays, and heat exchangers again. As always, none of this is set in stone, but that is what can be expected in 2019.
I will post more on the site again. I have been more on last year, and might keep doing stuff there as well, but I do have this site, and I like working on it.
Until somewhere next year